Lied van die Nagwind
Ek lê op my bed, so onrustig
dis middernag lankal verby;
En ek hoor hoe die nagtlike koelte
deur eike en denne sig sprei
Dit ruis nes die stiltige waters
wat daar skuif oor die sandige strand.
Gehoor deur die wandelaar van verre,
wat seewaarts hom haas oor die land.
O nagwind kom se my,
wat spreek tog jou ruisende lied?
Vertel jy 'n tyding van liefde?
Bring jy vrede of wee en verdriet?
Dit is my of duisende stemme
van mense reeds lank weggekwyn,
Vermeng met jou ruisende sugte
hul eggo van droefheid en pyn.
Die voorsang van duisende wesens,
nie gehore, vertolk my jou sug,
die lied van hul komende weedom
die dra jy so sag deur die lug.
O nagwind, ek hoor maar deurgrond
nie jou klaende suisende sang,
my harte klop sneller en sneller,
my kinderlik harte word bang.
I lay on my bed,
uneasy, 'tis long past midnight
And I hear how the nightly freshness
spreads through the oaks and pines
It drones like quiet waters
that move over the sandy beach
Heard by the wanderer from afar,
who hastes seawards over the land
O Night wind come tell me,
what are you speaking with the droning song?
Are you telling of a tide of love?
Are you bringing peace, or sorrow, and misery?
Its to me a thousand voices
of people long since gone,
Mixed with your droning sighs
their echos of sorrow and pain,
The amble of thousands of beings,
not heard, interpreted to me your sigh.
The song of their approaching sorrow
you carry so softly through the air
O night wind, I do not thoroughly hear
your moaning windy song,
my hearts beats faster and faster,
my childish heart are filling with fear.