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Baie harde werk

Gedurende die oorlog bevind 'n Boer en sy seun hulle in die loopgraaf.

Die seun vra: "Pa, hoeveel man is ons?"

Pa sê:  "so 50"

Seun vra: "... en hoeveel is die Ingelse rooibaadjies?"

Pa sê:  "... so 10,000".

Daar is 'n ruk lank stilte. 

Seun sê:  "Beteken dit ons gaan vandag weer deksels laat klaarmaak?"

During the war, a Boer and his son found themselves in the trenches.

The son asks: "Pa, how many men are we?"

Pa says:  "about 50"

Son asks: "... and how many English red jackets?"

Pa says:  "... 'bout 10,000".

For a while there is silence. 

Son says:  "So it means today we once again are going finish up dang late?"