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Aunt Molly het Afrika vasgevat in haar stories. Sy het eenmaal opgemerk dat daar gogga's, veldvolkies en diertjies in haar stories voorkom, maar nooit feëtjies nie, want volgens haar sal hulle onmoontlik in die droogtestreke van Afrika kan oorleef.

Menige volwassene kyk terug met deernis na hulle kinderjare om die pragtige stories en illustrasies te onthou, en veral die wêreld waarheen hulle meegevoer was met die stories. Hierdie aanbieding is 'n dankbare nagedagtenis aan Helena en die wonderlike kinderskat wat sy nagelaat het.

Opregte dank aan Helena, haar kleinniggie vir haar samewerking en ondersteuning om Helena se werke te laat voortleef.

Enige ander bydraes sal waardeer word.


Aunt Molly, as she was fondly called, was born 15 September, 1892 and she passed away on 15 July 1951. She was never married.

She published many Afrikaans children's books and she was also the illustrator for most of them. She was born in the Moreesburg district, the 10th child of Jan and Helena Lochner. She matriculated (completed high school) in Somerset West, did a teaching diploma and taught at Ceres, Simondium, and the Strand. Her first book, Ou Koning van Klou was published in 1930. Twenty years followed with numerous further publications to amuse, entertain, and educate the youth. Many adults today fondly remember the hours they spent in fantasyland while reading her stories and enjoying her illustrations.