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Intermediate: Refresher of Beginner A - D

As a review, you are expected to master the following 5 concepts inside out.

Mastery means you …
1 - know what it is (understand the concept well) — PASSIVE
2 - can demonstrate it (show what your know with several examples) — ACTIVE
3 - are fluid in production (doing without hesitation in performance) — MASTERY
Halted performance with pauses and needing to think means you are not there yet. Keep at it till you have fluid performance.

This should be the case with:

A - Pronouns

Subject (x) and Object (y): X sees y.  and Y sees x.
Possession (z):   It is Z book. The book is Z.

B - Verbs
B1 To Be  / To Have
B2 Regular verbs
B3 Separable Compound Verbs

With each verb, can you do present, past, and future? Can you add a modal in any tense, or make it a negative sentence or make it a question?

Example sentences for B1
: Jon VANG die bal. Jon SAL die bal VANG. Jon HET die bal GEVANG.

VANG Jon die bal? SAL Jon die bal VANG? HET Jon die bal GEVANG?
Jon vang NIE die bal NIE. Jon sal NIE die bal vang NIE. Jon het NIE die bal gevang NIE.
Jon KAN die bal VANG. Jon SAL die bal KAN VANG. Jon KON die bal VANG.
DO the same with B2, B3, B4 (wees) and (hê).


- 3rd Position
i) Object Pronoun
ii) Negation
iii) Time words

Example sentences
: I see your brother. versus I see HIM.

I see your brother today. versus I see him today.
I do not see your brother today. versus I do not see him today.


-  Conjunctions

Verb-second Conjunctions

Charge: Use the verb-second conjunctions "maar, en, want, of"

Verb-last Conjunctions

Charge: Use the verb-last conjunctions, such as "dat, sodat, nadat, voordat, omdat," etc.

Verb-first Conjunctions

Charge: Use the verb-second conjunctions, such as "dan, toe, daarom, dus, nogtans," etc.


In this intermediate section you will learn Verb-first, and Verb-last conjunctions.