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- Passive Voice in Tenses

Take each present tense sentence, and do all the manipulations with the sentence, then do the next sentence, and so on.
(i) as passive sentences, then
(ii) take it to the future tense,
(iii) and then to the past.
(iv) Make each of the above pres., past, and fut. sentences negative and
(v) make each negative sentence a question.

(After you have written the sentences out, listen to the audio, to correct your answers. Do NOT listen to the audio first. You want to know how you did, and by listening first you rob yourself of that opportunity.)

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  • Ons koop 'n nuwe kar.
  • Die sokkerspeler skop die bal oor die muur.
  • Google druk die boeke.
  • HP maak rekenaars.