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B3 — Separable Compound Verbs

All compound verbs combine two parts with their own meaning to create a combination word as verb.

a) A separable compound verb is together (normal) with

  i) Modal verbs (kan, wil, mag, moet) e.g. Ek moet die water uitgooi.

  ii) Future tense, e.g. Ek sal die water uitgooi.

  iii) Past tense, but with a twist - the GE is not used as a prefix, but is inserted between the two parts of the verb, e.g. Ek het die water uitgegooi.

b) It is in the present tense that the two parts are separate.

  i) For example: Ek gooi die water uit. OR Die bokser slaan die opponent uit. 

Click here to see a list of Separable Compound Verbs