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Gebore 10 September 1948 –Parkerstraat 95 Worcester Suid-Afrika

Floris publiseer sy digbundels self en uit sy pen verskyn sedert 1994 meer as 24 digbundels. Van sy gedigte is opgeneem in verskeie Nuusbriewe; Tydskrifte; Koerante en in meer as 73 versamelbundels. 2007 is sy Haikoe digbundel Moerbeiboomblare deur ’n Belgiese Uitgewer gepubliseer. Op 29 Januarie 2009  Nederlandse Nationale Gedichtendag word die gesamentlike digbundel Die Hand wat ons voed is weg deur Floris Brown en die Stadsdichter van Harderwijk Joz Brummans (Alias Michell Martinus) in Plantage Boekwinkel vrygestel deur die uitgewer Trigger Tree. Hy toer Nederland vanaf 28 Mei – 23 Junie 2007 onder die vlerke van Tiny & Joz Brummans (Michell Martinus) Stadsdichter van Hardewijk waartydens hy, sy poësie & liedjies aan gehore in Amsterdam; Harderwijk; Boxtel; Winterswijk; Varseveldt & Neimegen opdra. Vier Vererings (Dr Daniel Hugo; Professor Lina Spies; Dr Ronnie Belscher & Stadsdichter Joz Brumman - Alias Michell Martinus Harderwijk Nederland) Bloemlesings van die Breedevallei Dichters saamgestel deur Floris Brown is reeds gepubliseer deur FAB- Produksiehuis. Floris se 3 jongste bundels  is Roggel, Ek soek jou en Drieluik (Floris Brown, Marion De Vos & Hilde Vaatstra-Fotograaf) wat tydens die Woordfees Dinsdag 02 Maart 2010 op Stellenbosch bekend gestel is.

1966 stig  Floris die orkes Restless Children en in 1973 verwerf die orkes ’n goue plaat vir die oorspronklike liedjie "Until tomorrow" deur hom geskryf en gekomponeer wat beteken dat meer as 25 000 individue in Suid-Afrika selfs ook in die buiteland sit met ‘n skeppende produk uit sy hand. Een van Floris se komposisies wat hy self sing opgeneem 1973 met Restless Chilren “HARD TO REACH YOU” is 2007 opgeneem in die rolprent “DOLLARS & WHITE PIPES” beskikbaar in Video winkels landwyd.  Floris het so pas ’n trefferliedjie vir die Wêreldbeker Sokker 2010 geskryf en gekomponeer “VIVA FIFA 2010 WORLD CUP SOCCER FEVER” wat tans wêreldwyd op radiostasies gons en opslae maak.

1999 tree Floris uit die Onderwys as Laer & Hoërskool onderwyser. Word bekroon as Worcesteriet van die Jaar  2001. Ontvang Lewenslange Sport Legende toekenning vir die kode SKAAK van Minister Whitey Jacobs –Sport & Kultuur-10 Desember 2007. Ontvang ATKV (Worcester Tak) toekenning vir bevordering van Afrikaans. Floris Brown is Voorsitter van die Beheerliggaam van die Worcester Museum; Voorsitter van die Breedevallei Dichters; Raadslid van die Instituut vir Blindes Worcester. Raadslid Erfenis Stigting Wes-Kaap asook lid van die Suid-Afrikaanse Akademie vir Wetenskap en Kuns.

Floris is tans werksaam by die Instituut vir Blindes waar hy basiese rekenaarklasse vir blindes; swaksiendes & siende persone aanbied asook kitaarlesse. Hier dien hy ook as Toergids. Hy is aktief betrokke by SHOFAR CHRISTEN KERK se Aanbiddingspan in sang en baskitaar. Floris bied musiek; digkuns en skaakwerkswinkels aan. Floris het reeds sy buiging op SAUK-TV2; SAUK-TV3 –FOKUS & PASELLA; KYKNET; Radio Sonder Grense; Stem van die Kaap (Moslem Radiostasie-Paarl); KC Radiostasie –Paarl; Radiostasie Vallei fm 88.8 -Worcester; Stellenbosch se Woordfees; KKNK; Suidoosterfees; die Passaatwindefees; Chainouquafees & Cederbergfees gemaak asook voorlesings en aanbiedings gereël deur talle organisasies landwyd.

Gloei (1994);
Phoenix (1996);
Waar Aasvoëls Draai (1996);
Die Woudmaker (1998);
Skadukinders (1999);
Grysvos (2000);
Die Koei Stort ’n Traan (2000) ;
Klank van die Byl (2000);
Roep van die Maanwolf (2002);
Rot-t… (2003);
Blokhuis (2004)

Floris Abraham Brown, a born-again Christian was born on the 10th September 1948 at 95 Parker Street Worcester South-Africa.
1. At present he is working at the INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND in Worcester as a basic computer literacy trainer for adult blind, partially sighted and sighted people.
2. He is also a Tour guide at the INSTITUTE FOR THE BLIND in Worcester.
3. He is part of the WORSHIP TEAM at the SHOFAR CHRISTIAN CHURCH in Worcester on vocals & bass guitar.
4. He is the Chairman of the Breedevallei Dichters/Digters (Poetry) Society.
and poems in more than 73 anthologies in South-Africa; The Netherlands; Belgium; Friesland; England & America.
6. He performed his poetry on SABC-2; SABC-3 ; KYKNET(Chess insert); PASELLA; FOKUS; RSG; Voice of the Cape –Moslem Radio Station; Radio Station Valley fm 88.8 Worcester; Stellenbosch Woordfees; Stellenbosch Versindaba; KKNK; Suidoosterfees; Passaatwindefees; Sederbergfees; Chainouquafees and at various functions.
7. He is a retired (1999) Primary & High school Head of the Technology Department teacher after 28½ years; singer; author-composer; musician; poet & Chess Player.
8. In 1973 he with his pop group RESTLESS CHILDREN was the first in the Western Cape to receive a GOLD DISC for one of his own compositions “Until Tomorrow” which sells more than 25 000 copies.
9. One of his songs “HARD TO REACH” is one of the theme songs in a movie called “DOLLARS & WHITE PIPES.”
10. In 1986 he was nominated SACOS SPORTS PERSON OF THE YEAR for the code CHESS in Durban.
11. In 1999 he received an Honorary Award from the AFRIKAANSE TAAL EN KULTUUR VERENIGING (ATKV) Worcester Branch for promoting AFRIKAANS.
12. In 2000 he received the MILLENNIUM SPORTS PERSONALITY AWARD for CHESS from the local Radio Station Valley fm & Shell Ultra City.
14. In 2002 he was nominated by the Governing Body of Eden Training Centre for the Mentally Handicapped Children for the NATIONAL AWARDS by THE HAMLET FOUNDATION.
15.  He was the Vice-Chairman for the WORCESTER AIDS ACTION COMMITTEE – 2003.
16. September 2004 he and his wife GLORIA were nominated for the CHARLOTTE SEARLE AWARDS by the BOLAND OVERBERG NURSES MANAGEMENT FORUM for working voluntarily at the Worcester Aids Action Committee.
17. He was selected as Manager & Coach for the SA Braille Chess Team ( Chess for Blind People ) to participate in the Olympiads in Tarragona - Spain from the 31st Oct-14th November 2004.
19. In 2007 he toured the Netherlands from the 28th  May till the 23rd of  June performing his poetry and singing his compositions in Harderwijk; Amsterdam; Winterswijk; Varseveld; Neimegen and Boxtel under the auspices of the Stadsdichter of Harderwijk Joz (Michel Martinus) and his wife Tiny Brummans.
20. December 10th -2007 he received  a LEGEND AWARD for the sport code CHESS from the then MEC: Cultural Affairs, Sport and Recreation MR WHITEY JACOBS.
21. Between 2000 – 2008 he compiled four anthologies for the Breede Valley Dichters (Poetry Club) in Worcester and included poets from the Netherlands.
22. He was nominated for the Arts & Cultural Legends Award by the Director of Arts Cape Miss Marlene Le Roux -2009.
23. He was invited for the 3rd consecutive year to be part of the Panel of Judges for the Arts & Cultural Ministerial Awards of the Western Cape - 2009.
24. On the 23rd of April 2009 he gave a Power Point presentation on the Historic & Cultural relationship between The Netherlands and South Africa for the spouses of Ambassadors of 30 different countries of the world at the Ambassador’s residence of the Netherlands in Pretoria.
25. He composed  a song “VIVA FIFA 2010 WORLD SOCCER FEVER” as performed by Allexa Straus-the rapper Gino & Aubrey Arries for the 2010 SOCCER WORLD CUP that was held in South-Africa.
26. In 2011 he translated 40 poems into Afrikaans in the anthology “LIAISONS INVISIBLES/ONZICHTBARE VERBINTENISSEN/ONSIGBARE VERBINTENIS” for Demer Press Belgium.
27. He is a member of the Governing Body of the Institute for Blind
28. He is member of the Esselen Park High School Alumni Association.
29. He is a Premier’s Representative as Chairperson of the MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE OF THE WORCESTER OPEN AIR LIVING MUSEUM in Worcester.
30. He is a Counselor of HERITAGE WESTERN CAPE.
31.He is a member of The South African Academy for Science & Arts.
32. His motto’s:
1 Success lies in the things you left behind from which others can learn.
2 Help others at all times.
3 Helping others is promoting yourself.
4 Be there, be on time.