waarheen hardloop jy my liewe kind | | where are you running my dear child |
waarheen hardloop jy my liewe kind | | where are you running my dear child |
as jou voetjies, alles om jou stofskop | | as your little feet kick up everything around you with dust |
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doef jou kleine hartjie teen jou slape | | pulse your little heart against your temples |
wat sê jou verstandjie gevries in angs | | what says your little mind frozen in panic |
voetjies dra my net | | little feet just carry me |
voetjies dra my net | | little feet just carry me |
dat ek deur hierdie oorlogstofstorm | | that through this warring storm of dust |
my weg kan vind | | I may find my way |
oë wat nael na enige veilige punt | | eyes that speed to any point of safety |
Here! GOD!! Ek is k-i- n - d!!! | | Lord! GOD! I am a ch-i- l - d!!! |
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