Vlug 447
By firma X in Frankryk
het die werksjaar se top presteerders
geïndig met
'n verdienstelike vakansie in Rio
en die kinders by familie en vriende.
Air France, Parys - Rio.
Air France, Rio - Parys,
terug na hul wagtende gesinnetjies.
... en toe; die sein verdwyn
Die nuus - die soektog - die drywende bewyse - die skok.
Eindig 228 lewens: tragies en hulpeloos
Ruk die nuus ons, al was hulle vreeemdelinge;
die tragedie van die agtergeblewenes: die wesies,
die verslae familie en vriende, ma's en pa's en werksgenote.
Soos duisende tragedies in die verlede,
gaan die ene ook vervaag,
maar dan vra ek myself af -
het ek, en doen ek my bes:
om genesing en verligting te bring
waar ek kon en kan?
Flight 447
At firm X in France
the year's top performers
ended with
a well-deserved vacation in Rio
and the children at family and friends.
Air France, Paris - Rio.
Air France, Rio - Paris,
back to their little ones in waiting.
... and then; the signal's gone.
The news - the search - the floating proof - the shock.
Ended 228 lives: tragic and helpless.
The news shook us, even though they were strangers;
the tragedy of those staying behind: the orphans;
the shook-up families and friends, moms and dads and colleagues.
Like thousands of tragedies in the past,
will this one fade as well,
but I ask myself -
did I and am I doing my best:
to bring healing and relief
where I could and can?