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Die voetstappe

Voetstappe so swaar soos lood
voetstappe so lig soos 'n feetjie
voetstappe so hard en dapper
weerklink deur die sementgang
al klinkend soos kettings om die
enkels kom die trappiesgang op.
'n Doodse stilte pak die gang
as voetstappe ver geleidelik verdwyn
en die regter in rooigewaad
sy plek inneem sodat 'n
lewendige mens sy plek
kan inneem in die leë donkergat,
die galg.

Footsteps heavy as lead
footsteps light as a fairy
footsteps so hard and brave
echo in the cement corridor
clinking like chains about the ankles
as the steps in the hallway rises.
A deathly silence seizes the passage
footsteps gradually recede into the distance
and the justice robed in red
takes his place so that
a living soul can take
his place in the black void of
the gallows.


(Translation kindly provided by Leigh Thorsen)