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Selwyn Milborrow (21 Augustus, 1967) is ‘n boorling van Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandelabaai, Suid Afrika. Hy skryf sedert sy skooldae en sy eerste kortverhaal is net na matriek deur die Bloemfonteinse Skrywersvereniging gepubliseer. Vanaf 1998 verskyn sy gedigte in Fanie Olivier se "As die son kom oogknip", "Spilpunt" en "Weaving the Fabric", 'n projek tussen Göteburg, Swede en Nelson Mandela Metropool, Port Elizabeth. Hy bied ook poësie werkswinkels en kreatiewe skryfkuns aan by skole en doen gereeld voorlesings. Hy neem sedert 2003 deel aan die Woordfees van die Grahamstad Nasionale kunstefees. In 2005 is hy gekies om deel te neem aan die Sanlam/LitNet aanlyn-skryfskole se poësie afdeling. Selwyn beoefen ook skilderkuns (olieverfskilderye) en het bygedra tot 'n foto- uitstalling deur fotograaf Gregor Röhrig by die Grahamstad Nasionale Kunstefees 2005.Selwyn is ook korrespondent vir die Afrikaanse dagblad Die Burger. In 2007 en 2008 verskyn twee digbundels by Vivlia Uitgewers wat ook by skole as voorgeskrewe materiaal gebruik word. Die bundels “PoÑ‘siepalet” en “Drieluik” bevat gedigte oor die liefde, verlies, wanhoop en hoop. Selwyn bied tans kreatiewe skryfkuns-klasse aan.

(gelig van selwynmilborrow.blogspot.com en milborrow.blogspot.com)



Selwyn Milborrow (21 August, 1967) is a native of Port Elizabeth, Nelson Mandela Bay, South Africa. He has been writing since high school and his first short story was published just after he finished high school by the Bloemfontein Writers Association. Since 1998 his poems appeared in Fanie Olivier's "As die son kom oogknip", "Spilpunt" and "Weaving the Fabric", a project between Göteburg, Sweden and Nelson Mandela Metropolis, Port Elizabeth. He offers workshops in poetry and creative writing at schools and regularly does readings. Since 2003 he has participated in the 'Woordfees' at the Grahamstown National Art Fest. In 2005 he was chosen to participate in the Sanlam/LitNet online writing school poetry section. Selwyn also likes painting (oils) and contributed to the photo exhibition by the photographer Gregor Röhrig at the Grahamstown National Ast Fest 2005. Selwyn is aslo a correspondent for the Afrikaans daily 'Die Burger'. In 2007 and 2008 he published two poetry collections with Vivlia Publishers. These are also used as prescribed texts in many schools. The collections "Poësiepalet" and "Drieluik" contain poems about love, loss, desperation and hope. Currently Selwyn offers creative writing classes.