Dans met Katrina
toe 'n wolkvuis uit die see marsjeer
en om new orleans toemaak
volg sky en cnn se kameras
die vloedgolwe deur strate
van ‘n voorwêreldse moeras
jy het begin plunder en verkrag
jou waardes tot die been ontbloot
want oral dra jy in jou saam
‘n saad van haat en dood
gaan dit ooit tot jou deurdring
hoe ‘n dringende boodskap ek aan jou wil bring?
mensdom, gaan jy ooit leer om my te respekteer?
kyk, ek is die groot gelykmaker –
moedernatuur is my naam.
Ù ‘n Kategorie-vier-orkaan wat New Orleans, Louisiana, Mississippi en Alabama in 2005 getref en tot grootskaalse skade en lewensverlies gelei het. Gëinspireer deur ‘n artikel van Deon Lamprecht, Media24 verslaggewer in Amerika.
when the cloud fist marched forth from the sea
and closed in around orleans
sky and cnn's cameras followed
the tidal waves through the streets
of a pre-earth marshland
you started to plunder and rape
your values exposed to the bone
because everywhere you carry with you
a seed of hate and death
will it ever get through to you
what an urgent message I want to bring to you?
humanity, will you ever learn to respect me?
look, I am the great equalizer –
mother nature is my name.
Ù A category four tornado hit New Orleans, Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama in 2005 that lead to great loss of life and property. inspired by the article of Deon Lamprecht, Media24 reporter in America.