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In 'n boek lees.To read a book.
In die loop van die dag.In the course of the day; during the day.
In die rou.In mourning.
In die vakansie.During the holiday.
Daar was in die vyftig mense.There were fifty-odd people.
Hy maak op my die indruk van 'n gek.He strikes me as a fool.
In gedagte hou.To bear in mind.
Ek haal hom in.I overtake him.
Ons trek môre in ons nuwe huis.Tomorrow we move into our new house.
Hy teken in op 'n koerant.He subscribes to a newspaper.
Die pasiënt het weer ingeval.The patient has had a relapse.
Die kind is ingenome met haar nuwe fiets.The child is taken up with her new bicycle.
Drie keer in die week.Three times a week.
Indertyd.At the time.
Sy kon haar trane nie inhou nie.She could not keep back her tears.
Hy het die lewe ingeskiet.He lost his life.
Die dief het die huis ingesluip.The thief stole into the house.
Hy wil hom nie inspan nie.He refuses to exert himself.
Hy sal hom inwerk.He'll get to know the ropes.


Die hele jaar deur.All the year round.
Jakkals prys sy eie stert.He blows his own trumpet.
Jaloers op iemand.Jealous of someone.
Hoe jammer ...!What a pity!
Jan Rap en sy maat.Dick, Tom and Harry.
Die jongste nuus.The latest news.
Hy is jonk vir sy jare.He is young for his age (years).
Hy is juis net die man.He is the very man.
Juis daarom.For that very reason.
Jou vir iemand kaal uittrek.To make sacrifices for someone.


Hy het daar kaal van afgekom.He came off second best. (or) He was fleeced.
Ek het hom kaalkop die waarheid gesê.I went for him bald-headed (OR) I told him some home truths.
So oud soos die Kaapse wapad.Old as the hills.
Hy is 'n kaartman.He is a jack-in-the-box.
Bly kalm.Keep cool. (OR) Keep your temper.
Hy het probeer so al wat hy kan.He tried for all he was worth.
So kan dit nie langer nie.This can't go on.
Hoe kan jy so iets doen?How can you do such a thing?
Hy kan daar nie voor nie.He cannot help it.
So kon hy ure lank sit en peins.He would sit pondering like that for hours.
Ek is bly om te kan sê.I am glad to be able to say.
Ek sal die kans waarneem.I shall make use of the opportunity.
Dit is nou jou kans (beurt).It is now your turn.
Jy het nou 'n goeie kans (geleentheid).You now have a good opportunity.
Jy het g'n kans om te ontvlug nie.You have no hope (prospect) of escaping.
Daar was geen kans vir vlug nie.There was no chance of flight.
Ek sien nie kans om dit te doen nie.I do not see my way clear to do that.
'n Kamer aan kant maak.To tidy a room.
Die os is aan die klein kant.The ox is on the small side.
Die jagter het die leeu van kant gemaak.The hunter killed the lion.
Almal is nou kant en klaar.AJí  are now quite ready.
Alles is nou kant en klaar.Everything is quite ready.
Na (van) alle kante.In (from) all directions.
Elke saak het twee kante.There are two sides to a question.
As die kat weg is, is die muis baas.When the cat's away, the mice will play.
Hulle lewe soos kat en hond.They live a cat-and-dog life.
'n Kat in die sak koop.To buy a pig in a poke.
Hy knyp die kat in die donker.He does things on the sly.
Ken julle mekaar?Have you met?
Hy het met die gereg kennis gemaak.He ran foul of the law.
Hy kan by my nie kers vashou nie.He is no match for me.
Daar is geen ander keuse nie.There is no alternative.
Hy het uit vrye keuse bedank.He resigned of his own free will.
Jy moet jou woorde kies.You must pick your words.
Hy is kieskeurig.He is particular.
'n Kind by sy naam noem.To call a spade a spade.
Hy het g'n kind of kraai nie.He has neither kith nor kin.
Dis klaar met kees.He is done for (OR) that's the end of him.
Ek is klaar.I am ready.
Ek is klaar met die werk.I have finished the work.
So klaar as die dag.As clear as daylight.
Dit is klare onsin.That is sheer nonsense.
Hy is al van kleins af sieklik.He has been sickly since childhood (an early age).
Die klere maak die man.Fine feathers make fine birds.
Klim in die bed.Get into bed.
Daar word geklop aan die deur.There is a knock at the door.
Hy is knap met sy hande.He is clever with his hands.
Hy is 'n knap dokter.He is a smart doctor.
Ons was knap daar toe dit gebeur.We were hardly there when it happened.
Hy is knaphandig.He is dexterous.
Daar lê die knoop.There lies the rub.
Van woede het hy in knoop gegee.He swore with rage.
Maak die knoop los.Undo the knot (button).
Hy het 'n knop in sy keël gekry.He had a lump in his throat.
Die knoppe aan die boom is deur ryp beskadig.The buds on the trees were damaged by frost.
Moenie ou koeie liit die sloot grawe nie.Let bygones be bygones.
Oor koeitjies en kalfies praat.To indulge in small talk.
Hy het alles vir soetkoek opgeëet.He swallowed (believed) everything.
Koel klere.Light clothes.
Jy moet 'n nuwe koers inslaan.You must strike out in a new direction.
Hou koers.Keep straight (be steady).
Die hoop koester.To cherish the hope.
Ek het hom laat kom.I sent for him.
Hy het die dokter laat kom.He called in the doctor.
Hulle sal dit agterkom.They will find it out.
Toe ek my kom kry.When I came to my senses.
Waar kom jy aan die geld?How did you come by the money?
Dit kom goed te pas.It comes in handy.
Hoe het dit gekom.How did it come about?
Dit kom te duur uit.It is too expensive (OR) it works out too dear.
Komplimente tuis.Remember me to all at home.
Iemand 'n kompliment maak.To pay someone a compliment.
Hy is al gekonfyt in die werk.He is already an expert at the iob.
Hy het sy kop in 'n bynes gesteek.He brought a hornets' nest about his ears.
Ek kon daar geen kop of stert aan kry nie.I could not make head or tail of it.
Sy kop is op hol.His head is turned.
Ek het sy kop gewas.I gave him a bit of my mind.
Die perd het kop tussen die bene gesteek.The horse bucked.
Die kop intrek.To draw in one's horns.
Hy steek kop en skouers bo almal uit.He is head and shoulders above all the others.
Hy is kop in een mus met die dief.He is hand in glove with the thief.
Die dief sal nog sy kop in die strop steek.The thief will run his head into the noose yet.
Hy het sy kop laat hang.He has lost courage.
Ek sal hom 'n gat in die kop praat.I'll talk him round.
Kop voor die bors.Ashamed.
Ek gaan nie op my kop laat sit nie.I am not going to take things lying down.
Hy het die spyker op die kop geslaan.He hit the nail on the head.
Uit die kop ken (leer).To know (learn) by heart.
Hy het my dit voor die kop gegooi.He cast it into my teeth.
Op die kop sesuur.Exactly six o'dock.
Hy wil sy eie kop volg.He wants to have his own way.
Moenie kop uittrek nie.Don't back out.
Dit het my laat kop krap.It made me think.
Kop en punt.Head to foot.
Hy is koppig.He is stubborn.
As dit gebeur laat ek my kop afkap.If that happens, I'll eat my hat.
Ek sal die gerug (indruk) die kop inslaan.I'll knock the rumour on the head.
Hy het 'n goeie kop.He has a good head on his shoulders.
Van kop tot tone.From head to foot.
Kort en bondig.Short and to the point.
Kort en dik.Thickset.
Kort en klein slaan.To smash to smithereens.
Kort van draad.Quick-tempered.
Kort gelede.A short time ago.
Kort na mekaar.Within a short time (OR) soon after each other.
Iemand te kort doen.To wrong someone.
Te kort skiet.To fall short (of the mark).
Kos en inwoning.Board and lodging.
Sy kos verdien.To earn (make) a living.
Dit kos tyd.It takes time.
Hoeveel kos dit?What is the price of this?
Sy woorde was nog nie koud nie.He had hardly uttered the words when.
So maer soos 'n kraai.As thin as a rake.
In die krag van sy lewe.In the prime of life (OR) in his prime.
Met alle krag.With might and main.
Die wet sal aanstaande jaar van krag word.The law will come into force next year.
In 'n kring gaan staan.To form a circle.
Hy het donker kringe onder die oë.He has dark rings under the eyes.
Die lyne kruis hier.The lines intersect here.
Ek sal hom kry.1'll pay him out.
Verkoue kry.To catch a cold.
Ek kon hom nie te sien kry nie.I could not get hold of him.
Hy bedoel geen kwaad nie.He means no harm.
Kwaad stig.To cause mischief.
Van kwaad tot erger.From bad to worse.
Kwaad met goed vergeld.To return good for evil.
Hy is 'n kwaai ou man.He is a bad-tempered old man.
Ek neem jou nie kwalik nie.I don't blame you.
Kwalik in staat om.Hardly able to.
'n Kwessie van tyd.A matter of time.
Buite die kwessie.Out of the question.