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Fun with Meaning and Art

Groot Mond - Big Mouth

"If you are in Afrikaans company, and they are not being considerate to the fact that you do not understand, here is some ammo for you."

Ek weet dit lyk of ek Afrikaans kan praat, maar ek verstaan byna niks nie.

I know it looks as if I can speak Afrikaans, but I understand just about nothing.



Ek is jammer, ek het nie vandag my Afrikaanse ore aan nie. Kan jy (julle) asseblief Engels praat.

I am sorry but I do not have my Afrikaans ears on today. Could you please speak English.



Luister, Afrikaans is 'n baie mooi taal, maar ek is nie vandag in 'n mood vir mooi dinge nie.

Listen, Afrikaans is a very beautiful language, but today I am not in a mood for beautiful things.



Ek hou daarvan as mense op Afrikaans sing, maar as hulle Afrikaans praat, dan sukkel ek my dood.

I like it when people sing in Afrikaans, but when they speak Afrikaans, I battle like crazy.



Jy weet, ek is baie intelligent, maar net vreeslik stadig. Kan jy Engels praat asseblief.

You know, I am very intelligent, but just terribly slow. Can you speak English please.

