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거실the living room
거실the family room
불을 켜다switch on th light
바닥카펫wall-to-wall carpet
페인트칠하다paint the painting
천장the ceiling
식당dining room
소금통 (넘기다)the salt shaker (to pass)
후추통the pepper shaker
휴지 (접다)the napkin (to fold)
칼 (자르다)knife (to cut)
숟가락 (푸다)spoon (to scoop)
접시, 그릇, 유리잔plate, bowl, glass
주방 세트the dining room set
식탁보the table cloth
커튼 (걸다)the curtains (to hang)
과일 그릇the fruit bowl
식사를 하다to have a meal
주방the kitchen
the bread box
찬장the kitchen cupboard
서랍 장안 (집에 넣다)in the drawer (to stow away)
선반the shelf
대야the basin
냄비, 뚜껑pot, lid
후라이팬the frying pan
뒷문back door
스위치를 켜다 / 끄다switch (to switch off or on)