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땀 흘리다to sweat
구토하다to vomit
기침하다to cough
신음하다to groan
간지럽다to itch
머리가 아프다to have a headache
열 - 체온계to have a fever - thermometer
오한이들다to have chills
배가 아프다
to have a stomach ache
허리가 아프다to have a back ache
식욕이 줄다to have a weak appetite
코가 막히다to have a blocked nose
설사를 하다to have a diarrhea
감염되다to have an infection
뇌진탕에 걸리다
to have a concussion
발진하다to have a rash
베이다to have a cut
부상당하다to have an injury
골절되다to have a fracture
멍이들다to have a bruise
상처입다to have a wound
잠이오다to be sleepy
붓다to be swollen
어지럽다to feel dizzy
몸이 좋지않다to feel bad
메스꺼리다to feel nauseous / nausea
욱씬거리다to be sore
