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image/svg+xmlㅚ ㅙ ㅘㅟ ㅝ ㅞvowel combinations ㅉ ㅆdoubles of paired consonantsV2C3

Step 2e: C3+V2

1. 깨꺠 께꼐 꾀꽤꽈 뀌꿔꿰 끠

2. 때떄 떼뗴 뙤뙈똬 뛰뚸뛔 띄


3. 빼뺴 뻬뼤 뾔뽸뽜 쀠뿨쀄 쁴


4. 쌔썌 쎄쎼 쐬쐐쏴 쒸쒀쒜 씌


5. 째쨰 쩨쪠 쬐쫴쫘 쮜쭤쮀 쯰