Die haai
Die net skuif ongemerk in die water
en die aas beweeg meer links as regs deur visse.
Meteens byt 'n haai
wat drie honderd jaar reeds verwoesting saai.
Van skok pleit die haai vir sy lewe:
ek eet nie maasbankers nie!
ek eet nie haarders nie!
ek eet nie sardientjies nie!
Maar die haai is gevang
en die wêreld wag om sy pens oop te sny
om Steve Biko en kie uit te haal.
Imperceptably the net moves in the water
and the bait moves more to the left than to the right by the fish.
Suddenly the shark bytes
who has been sowing destruction for more than three hundred years.
in shock the skark pleads for his life:
I do not eat 'maasbankers)!
I do not eat (haarders)!
I do not eat sardines!
But the shark was caught
and the world awaits to cut open its belly
to remove Steve Biko and company.