A1 - Active Voice (Advanced)
Able to do:
⁃ B1 (Regular Verbs) and B2 (Separable Verbs)
⁃ where you can already do C1-3 (Present, Future, and Past)
⁃ and also add to these sentences D1-7 (negation, questions, modals, and a mix of these).
Step 4: Add an Infinitive - E1
Add an infinitive to any of the sentences you can already do.
Initially do a short infinitive, like to win, then elaborate, e.g. to win the game today.
Step 5: Add other clauses E2, E3 or E4.
.As with Step 4, practice with each of the clauses:
E2 (verb second, such as en, maar, want)
E3 (verb last, such as dat, omdat, sodat, etc.)
E4 (verb first, such as anders, daarom, dan/toe).
a. Almal by die werk bly laat vanaand. (Ons maak die projek klaar)
b. Selfs die kinders het kaartjies gekoop vir die fliek vanaand. (Almal wil die nuwe James Bond fliek sien.)
c. My pa trou weer. (My ma is dood aan kanker.)
d. Ek doen die eindeksamen op Vrydag. (Ek studeer baie hard.)