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vir Breyten

as die digter sterf sal ek skryf
‘n taal se bondeltjie trots
is uit sy moederskoot kom haal

as die digter sterf sal ek skryf
‘n oerknal het die taal tong en al
uit die volk se mond kom haal

as die digter sterf sal ek skryf
van die laaste bossie poësie
wat uit sy hande val

as die digter sterf
kan g’n sweet meer bloei
uit die ysterkoei

©2021 Selwyn Milborrow

when the poet dies I will write
a bundle of pride of language
was brought from his mother's womb

when the poet dies I will write
a big bang of the tongue, language and it all
was fetched from the mouth of its people

when the poet dies I will write
about the last bush of poetry
that falls from his hands

when the poet dies
never can any sweat bleed
from the iron cow