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Hoe laat is dit?What is the time?
Dit is ...It is ...
een-uurone o’ clock
drie-uurthree o’ clock
kwart-oor-tweequarter past two
half-driehalf past two
kwart-voor-vierquarter to four
tien-voor-sesten to six
vyf-en-twintig-oor-sewetwenty five past seven
vyf-voor-negefive to nine
vyf-en-twintig-voor-elftwenty five to eleven
twintig-voor-eentwenty to one
vroeg in die oggend (môre)early in the morning
laat in die middaglate in the afternoon
net voor sonopjust before sunrise
net na sonsonderjust after sunset
om middernagat midnight
om twaalf in die middagat noon
eergisterthe day before yesterday
oormôrethe day after tomorrow
vanmôrethis morning
vanmiddagthis afternoon
vannaandthis evening
soggens|smôrensin the mornings
smiddagsin the afternoons
saansin the evenings
snagsat night
elke dagevery day
Bushe nshitanshi?What is the time?
Inshita iliIt is ...
Cimo uluchelo/ Ubushikuone o’ clock
Fitatu uluchelo/ Ubushikuthree o’ clock
Kapinda ka ku kuso, Ikumi na fisano pakulila kwa chibiliquarter past two
Kapinda ka ku kuso, Makumi yatatu pakulila kwa chibilihalf past two
Kapinda ka ku kuso, ikumi na fisano kuti fine ikwanequarter to four
Kapinda ka ku kulyo, ikumi pakuti mutanda ikwaneten to six
Kapinda ka ku kulyo, Makumi yabili na fisano pakulila kwa cinelubalitwenty five past seven
Kapinda ka ku kulyo, fisano pakuti pabula ikwanefive to nine
Kapinda ka ku kulyo, Makumi fisano pakuti ikumi na cimo ikwanetwenty five to eleven
Makumi yabili na cimotwenty to one
Akachelocheloearly in the morning
Ichungulolate in the afternoon
Nshi akasuba takalafumajust before sunrise
Akasuba nga kawajust after sunset
Pakati yabushikuat midnight
Pakati yakasubaat noon
Mailo yafuminekoBulya bushikuthe day before yesterday
Ubushikubukakonkapothe day after tomorrow
Lelo Uluchelothis morning
Lelo Akasubathis afternoon
Lelo Ichungulothis evening
Lelo Ubushikutonight
Ulucheloin the mornings
Aakasubain the afternoons
Ichunguloin the evenings
Ubushikuat night
Cila Nshitahourly
Cila Mulunguweekly
Cila Mweshimonthly
Cila Mwakayearly
Cila Bushikuevery day