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Grammar Comprehensive Grid


image/svg+xmlAPersonal Pronouns:(1) Subject(2) Object(3) PossessiveVERBS:BI.TensesII.QuestionsIII.NegationIV.ModalsB1 Conjugated:To BEIIIIIIIVTo HAVEIIIIIIIVB2 Regular:RootIIIIIIIVPrefixedInseparableIIIIIIIVIIIIIIIVB3: Separable CompoundsV.PerfectVVI.ConditionalVIVII.Link H-VerbsVIIVIII.Passive VoiceVIIIB4: ReflexiveIIIIIIIVCThe 3rd Spot:(1) Object Pronouns(2) Negation(3) Time WordsDConjunctions:(1) Verb 2nd(2) Verb Last(3) Verb 1stEInfinitivesFSpecial InfinitivesGPrepositionsHAdjective ShiftIDegrees of ComparisonJPrepositional CombinationsKDirectionalsLGerunds


Please note: The yellow background means you have to automate the production of these grammar concepts.
The pink background means a sound knowledge of these concepts will be adequate.