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Hy was laas nog tuis.The last time I heard of him, he was still at home.
In die laaste tyd is ek baie besig.I am very busy nowadays.
In die laaste jare.In recent years.
Dit laat my dink aan jare der jare gelede.It reminds me of many vears ago.
Jy's laat as jy so dink.You're mistaken if you think so.
Jy moet hom laat werk want hy is lui.You must make him work, for he is lazy.
Laat hom met rus.Leave him in peace (alone).
Laat dit maar daarby.Leave it at that.
Ek laat dit my nie vertel nie.I don't believe it.
Hy het 'n pak klere laat maak.He has had a suit made.
My pa sal vir hom 'n huis laat bou.My father will have a house build.
Hy het sy mangels laat uithaal.He had his tonsils removed.
Laat my staan.Leave me alone.
Hy het die dokter laat haal.He sent for the doctor.
Hy het die drank laat staan.He gave up drink.
Ek kon my lag nie hou nie.I could not help laughing.
Hy het hom slap gelag.He split his sides with laughter.
Ek het groot lag vir hom gekry.He amused me immensely.
Dit is 'n landsaak.It is a matter of national importance.
Sy gesels land en sand aanmekaar.She talks incessantly.
Te land en te water.Bv land and sea.
Hy het op sy kop te lande gekom.He landed on his head.
Hoe langer hoe beter.The longer, the better.
Hoe langer hoe vinniger.Faster and faster.
Hy is al lank siek.He has been ill for a long time.
Hy's lank in die land.He knows the ropes.
Jy moes dit lankal gedoen het.You should have done it (a) long (time) ago.
Ek het hom lank laas gesien.I haven't seen him for a long time.
Hy is net 'n las.He's just a nuisance.
Dis 'n lastige kind.It's a troublesome child.
'n Laspos.A nuisance.
Die wind het gaan lê.The wind has dropped (gone down).
Moenie uit die venster lê nie.Don't lean out of the window.
Die bed lê lekker.The bed is comfortable.
Daar lê die ding.That's just it.
Hulle kan goed leef.They are quite well off.
Hy is 'n leegloper.He is a loafer.
Die tyd sal leer.Time will tell (show).
Ek het hom goed leer ken.I got to know him well.
Hy leer vir dokter.He's studying medicine.
'n Lekker lewe lei.To lead an easy life.
Ons moes lelik soebat.We had to plead for all we were worth.
Hy het my laat les opsê.He took me to task.
Ek moes vandag les opsê.I had a hard time today.
Let op my woorde!Mark my words!
'n Stryd op lewe en dood.A life and death struggle.
Jou lewe laat.To lay down your life.
In die lewe roep.To bring into being.
Hy byt sy naels tot in die lewe.He bites his nails to the quick.
Ek moet liewer gaan.I had better go.
Ek wil liewer gaan.I had rather go (I would rather go).
Toe gaan daar 'n lig vir my op.Then it dawned on me.
Hy het die saak lig opgeneem.He made light of the matter.
'n Mens vergeet dit lig.We are inclined to forget it.
Hy het sy hart op die lippe.He wears his heart on his sleeve.
Hy praat met lof van haar.He speaks highly of her.
Dit strek hom tot lof.It does him credit.
Die perde het op loop (hol) gegaan (gesit).The horses bolted.
Jy loop gevaar om gedood te word.You run the risk of being killed.
Hy het die loop geneem.He beat a retreat (OR) he ran away.
Gevoelens loop hoog.Feeling is running high.
Hy het teen my vasgeloop.He bumped into me.
As hy nie oppas nie, sal hy hom vasloop.If he is not careful, he'll get into trouble.
Die jaar loop ten einde.The year is drawing to a close.
Los werkies.Odd jobs.
Laat los!Let go!
'n Los gerug.A wild rumour.
Ek het lus om dit te doen.I feel inclined to do it (OR) I have a mind to do it.
Hou jou lyf reg.Prepare yourself for.
Dit lyk na reën.It looks like rain.
Dit lyk vir my.It seems to me.