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... om te hê, of om nie te hê nie — dit is die vraag!

What is a conjugated verb?

Maybe the easiest way to describe what a conjugated verb is, is to pretend conjugation does not exist. Then, we would say: "Yesterday I have lots of money, and today I still have a little money, but by tomorrow I will not have  any money, I is sure."

Most likely you can see the problem if you do not have conjugation. In Latin for example, the conjugation was so important, you would say "Amo" to say I love, and "Amat" to say He loves. In English we have love and loves, but we still need to say "I" and "He" or you would not be clear on the meaning. In Afrikaans the pronouns I, you, he-she-it, we, you, they all use the same form of the verb.

All Afrikaans verbs, except TO BE and TO HAVE, use the same form of the verb for Present, Future, and Past. These two verbs have one form for the present, another for the past, and a third for the future tense.


i) You will learn to use OM TE HÊ in the present, future and past tenses.
ii) You will learn how to create the sentence when you want to do the English Progressive Tenses. For example: I am having a few minutes alone in Afrikaans becomes I have a few minutes alone. or if you have to indicate the busy-in-the-action feel, you would say I was busy to have a few minutes alone.
iii) You will learn how to make questions with OM TE HÊ.
iv) You will learn how to make a negative sentence with OM TE HÊ sentences.
v) You will learn how to add the helping verbs KAN, WIL, MAG, and MOET to these sentences.